Wow, halfway through advent and I still haven't posted.
Bad news first, PaperBat's aforementioned Moonwalker collab got canned, so my part's going to be stuffed into an already beefy Archive folder which will be revived when I hit writer's block and decide to be a fag and release all my forgotten works in ONE BIG TASTY COMPILATION. Watch the portal after my 17th birthday...
Ok, now for the good stuff. On some Christmassy notes, I found Raymond Brigg's 'Father Christmas' on YouTube. If you haven't seen it, watch it, it's bloomin' brilliant. Guaranteed to make you feel festive.
Part I is here (embedding disabled, bah, humbug) so check it out if you need some Christmas cheer. I also started a Christmas flash which hasn't got far at all. I don't have much time either...
In other news, I got a scholarship for a Sixth Form college (woo, I'm clever and stuff), listened to the Animal Crossing theme music for about two hours half asleep (LGTTC for Christmas hopefully...) and I've actually decided to learn how to beatbox. No, I'm not kidding, I'm just that sad.
In case I don't get to speak to you before the big day, have a very merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah/terrific Turkey day.
Much love and mulled wine,
Animal Crossing and Father Christmas are both great.
And congrats on that scholorship..
And happy holidays
Thank you muchly good sir, and same to you.