K, unpacked the remainder of my stuff from Japan. Doesn't justify another photo though, so I'll just give you a word picture.
Can of Fanta Grape
Didn't even know Fanta Grape existed. It tastes like it's 103% sugar. It's also delicious, which is why I brought back a can. Tasty stuff!
Book of Flyers
Some guy on a corner in Kyoto gave me a 288 page (or 1.1cm thick) book of flyers and adverts. For free. He was dishing about twenty of them out, so that makes for a lot of dead trees! There's all sorts of adverts, from nail manicures (I decided against that for logistical reasons) to Japanese phone sex. I think. It has a phone number and I'm using my imagination.
Japanese Wrapping Cloth
Basically reusable wrapping paper, so the recipient of the gift can pass it onto the next person! Much more eco friendly than wrapping paper, but it's too pretty to give away....rats....
Yeah that's it. I think. Yeah it is.
Anyway, general update, working hard on Super Sprite Shorts Vol. 3, it's about 40% done. If anyone has ideas for shorts, it would put my mind at ease and, they might get used if they're good/decent/passable.
Anyway, enjoy the remainder of your Tuesday, or Wednesday, if you're reading this tomorrow/today. Wait...I'm all confused now.....
i want to go to japan!!!...but coming from New York City it wouls be a ridiculously long flight. Plus i wanna have sushi in japan. Where they put the wasabi in the roll already and you eat it with your hands.. or at least that is what im told.
They have fanta grape here in america...maybe they dont have it in england cause english teeth tend to be nasty as it is. ... ZING.. lol just kidding
Don't be kidding, it's true. I brush my teeth twice a day and had braces so mine as sparkling. Other people look a bit...blugh.
Also, it's a ridiculously long flight from England as well. 12 and a half hours. IN A WINDOW SEAT.